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Meet the Natural Hair, Beauty, and Lifestyle Haitian Creative Making Waves On YouTube | Jenn Jackson

November 17, 2020
Natural beauty is something that everyone has, but I’s one thing that many women of color of bringing to the forefront u...
Image of woman of African decent.

Natural beauty is something that everyone has, but I’s one thing that many women of color of bringing to the forefront utilizing social media. With emphasis on loving and embracing oneself as well as working what your mama gave you. We are seeing more beautiful women taking control of the narrative and showing the world the black is beautiful. And that black hair is to be celebrated. Jennifer Jackson, Haitian Hair and Beauty YouTube Video Creator does just that in her own creative way.

Getting her YouTube started by creating videos in a small, dimly lit bathroom hoping to encourage others to embrace their hair, has now turned into a large creative platform that women world-wide can use as not only a resource to learn about their natural hair and beauty, but also a place to be her authentic self. “When I first started on YouTube, I didn’t know many other Haitian women. However, since my social media following has increased – especially with Instagram – I love being able to interact with other Haitian creatives. We have formed a little community away from home, and I appreciate that we have so much in common. We aren’t afraid to share our experiences, discuss our upbringings, and uplift one another. I love shedding light on my culture and sharing my origin with the world. I have always been proud of my country and will continue to show who I am and where I`m from on my social media accounts!” Jackson has utilized her platform to help other Haitians, using her platform to help fund equipment for Haitian doctors amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wanting to show other women that they are beautiful just the way they are but encourage them to be active in seeing what they want to see when they look at their reflection is the very thing Jackson does every time she uploads a new YouTube video. Being transparent in her journey, videos, and actions; she is a replica of the 95.8k women that are subscribed to her channel. “My journey started nearly ten years ago. My hair was falling out, and I had very little knowledge of what to do to stop the excessive shedding. Like most young adults my age, I turned to Google for answers. My search led me to a few YouTube videos of women talking about their hair. No one looked like me, nor did they have my hair texture, but the simple fact that these women were teaching their viewers how to care for their natural hair intrigued me. I had a lightbulb moment: how many women were in my shoes, feeling defeated about their hair, yet had no one to turn to? How many questioned their beauty because of the simple fact that nobody in the media looked like them? So, I made the decision, turned on my laptop, and started making videos about the steps I was taking to restore the health of my hair. Little did I know that I was embarking into a whole new world of hair, hope, and connection!” Jenn says.

With Jennifer’s Instagram pages and YouTube channel acting as a digital reflection and extension of her authentic successes, transitions, and hardships, she aims to continue providing a helping hand to women around the world. “I want to inspire women to learn about their natural hair, grow to accept it’s specific requirements, and continue to spread a positive message around self-love. I am not just referring to what is happening on the outside, but really driving the belief that beauty isn’t all about what we see in the mirror, but also stems from the reflection of our hearts.” You can see more of Jennifer Jackson on Instagram at @its_jennj as well as on YouTube at Jenn Jackson.

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