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Affiliate Marketing 101: What it is and How to Get Started, Advice from Creators

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

For decades, people have been using affiliate marketing to make passive income either for their business or to build a creator career. It is the most beneficial way for creators who use social media to recommend their favorite products, experiences, or brands. With TikTok Shop adopting the affiliate model, creators are finding themselves making $50,000 a month simply for authentically recommending their go-to's. So, if you are here, it's to learn how to start affiliate marketing, begin earning passive income to recommend your favorites, too. 

What is ‘passive income’ ?

When you think of passive income, consider the many ways you can make money or cash flow with little effort. For some, passive income can come from:

  • Flipping retail products

  • Selling photography online

  • Creating an app

  • Advertising on your car

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Renting your home or a room in your home

The world of passive income is limitless.

How to start affiliate marketing

One way that I’ve found the best of using my skill to earn money is through affiliate marketing. 

If you are asking, what is ‘affiliate marketing’ and how does it work? Affiliate marketing is a monetization strategy for creators to grow their digital career. Notably, it is a digital marketing strategy where creators earn a commission for promoting a company’s products or services through a unique link. Often, you can earn a percentage of each sale or you earn a flat rate for each person who signs up or makes a purchase through your links.

As an affiliate partner, it is up to you to promote your affiliate links to make the passive income you are seeking. And there are a variety of mediums available for promotional purposes including:

  • Blogs and websites: Insert affiliate links into blog posts and website content

  • Emails and newsletters: Embed promotional links in emails and newsletters

  • Podcasts: Market affiliate products on podcasts

  • Online courses: Add affiliate links to online courses

  • Video marketing: Combine affiliate links with video marketing 

Whether you are a blogger, podcaster, influencer, or YouTuber, affiliate marketing is mutually beneficial for you and the brand you are marketing for. This mutual benefit means you want to create high quality content regardless of what medium you choose.

Now making money as an affiliate can be challenging when you do not have a customer base, so it is extremely important to build a community who supports you or finds your work meaningful to improve their lives in some kind of way. How much money can you make with affiliates? I spoke with a handful of digital creators, 2 of which are influencers, 1 podcastor, and 2 bloggers, about how they incorporate affiliate links into their content. Their earnings ranged from about $125 per month to more than $50,000 per month. One thing sets low-earning affiliate earners from high-income affiliate earners apart, consistency and marketing skills.

Top traits of success affiliate marketing content creators and influencers

Consistency the unsung hero in digital marketing and affiliate marketing success

I can't emphasize enough how essential it is in achieving the maximum passive income success. It will feel slow and sometimes a frustrating process, but there are literally no shortcuts when it comes to building a sustainable affiliate marketing career. Picture this: you've got to be diligent, you've got to be committed. Consistency isn't just a strategy; it's a mindset that paves the way for enduring and rewarding relationships with an audience and the brands you share. The moment you embrace the power of consistency, you will see your affiliate marketing efforts blossom into something truly extraordinary.

This brings me to marketing. It is in the actual word, AFFILIATE - MARKETING. The more advanced you are at marketing, the easier it is to increase your cash flow as an affiliate. That means learning about search engine optimization, getting into content marketing, and producing high quality content.

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How to master affiliate marketing to a high earning potential

I took a deep dive and asked Kreyol Essence about their affiliate program, Kreyol Essence Creator Program. The keys to a high earning creator,

“You really want to figure out what pieces of content are the most engaging. What are people asking questions about? And take those questions in your content and make more content from it, answer questions in your content." - Naomi, Social Media Coordinator Creator Program Manager at Kreyol Essence

Notice the focus on content? Get your content up not only by creating what you want, but asking your community what they want.

Aurelie, a creator of the Kreyol Essence Creator Program says,  "It really helps to promote a product that you love."

I can not stress this enough, if you do not promote products you love, people WILL call your bluff.

When it comes to promoting a product, even if it's something you're personally "interested" in trying, you must go beyond just stating your curiosity. The true art lies in passionately expressing why it's your go-to product, infusing your content with genuine enthusiasm. Selling what you love not only makes creating content easier, but also allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, bringing authenticity to your affiliate marketing endeavors.

And that's building TRUST with your community.

"Because of the relationship and trust that I've built with my audience over time they are willing to say ' I'll try it because she uses it ' . . . creating a relationship gets you to the bag.”- Tiana, YouTuber apart of Kreyol Essence Creators Program

What companies offer affiliate marketing programs?

Most global brands in some way have an affiliate marketing program whether it is visible on their site or through a publisher. 

Take the Kreyol Essence Creator Program for example. Their program benefits include: 

  • Promoting Haitian-owned products that you love. This not only supports the Haitian economy but provides fair employment opportunities.

  • Earn passive income and generate multiple streams of revenue.

  • Be considered for opportunities for paid content collaborations and exclusive events.

  • Choose the products you want to promote 100% tailored to your audience.

As a Haitian American creator, this program would be an ideal company for you and even I to highlight. Not only am I being authentic to my brand as a lifestyle creator but I am supporting the Haitian business economy by showcasing them. Looking through their website, their top sellers are available in retailers such as Ulta Beauty, Whole Foods, Amazon. And their top sellers:

Just based on the product names, you can tell how marketable these products would be for us as a blog and how I can highlight these products in any of my content. Check out my webinar to catch the replay of the basics of affiliate marketing.

Other affiliate programs to consider with growing your creative career:

Legal aspects of becoming an affiliate partner

Regardless of what program you choose, it's critical you understand the important legalities of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is 100% legal. And because it is legal, you want to make sure you are using legal practices and know the laws that govern you. This is safeguarding all of your posts, promotions, and marketing materials following the affiliate marketing guidelines. Take this as an added element to affiliate marketing success. 

To ensure smooth sailing in affiliate and influencer marketing, it's crucial to abide by laws that revolve around disclosing material connections with the brand you are promoting and being transparent about your compensation. In Canada, the Competition Act guides advertising and marketing standards, whereas in the US, the Federal Trade Commission's guide concerning endorsements and testimonials are outlined for affiliates and influencers. As an affiliate, regardless of your location, it's imperative to be well-versed with the guidelines in each country to avoid legal repercussions.

The future of affiliate marketing in 2024 and beyond

I want to leave you with the future of affiliate marketing. In the next 3 years, a report published by Proficient Market Insights predicts the global affiliate marketing industry to grow to a market size of $27.78B by 2027. If the last 6 months of 2024 taught me anything, it's that brands are investing more into starting their own programs. In fact, 81% of brands use affiliate programs to boost brand awareness and drive sales. So where do you come in? Your journey to financial security and growth opportunities as a creator is in that future of the affiliate marketing industry. 

If you need any additional insight or assistance with this, check out our latest video on leveraging influencer marketing in 2024. Leave a comment if this was helpful or if you need any help starting your influencer career.


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