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Writer's pictureShirley Dor

These Haitian Nutritionists Want You to Break Diet Culture with Cultural Dishes

Updated: 3 hours ago

Haitian nutritionists are on a mission to change the narrative around diet culture, and they want you to join them in embracing the delicious, nutrient-rich dishes that define their culinary heritage. Forget the restrictive diets and bland meals—these culinary experts believe that reconnecting with traditional Haitian cuisine can lead to a healthier, more joyful relationship with food.

Haitian man cutting onions in the kitchen preparing to cook

In a world obsessed with the latest diet trends and body ideals, Haitian nutritionists are challenging the status quo. They argue that the key to wellness lies not in deprivation but in celebrating the vibrant flavors and wholesome ingredients found in Haitian dishes.

Why are we quick to throw away our own foods in exchange for non-Haitian foods perceived to be healthier?” asks Patricia Pauyo, MS RDN, CDN, a registered dietitian and the owner and founder of Pathway Nutrition. She emphasizes the need to reclaim the narrative around Haitian cuisine.

Haitian food is a treasure trove of flavors, colors, and nutrients. Think hearty soup joumou, a pumpkin soup packed with vegetables and spices, or diri ak pwa, a comforting rice and beans dish that’s both filling and nutritious. These meals are not just delicious; they are steeped in history and culture, making them a source of pride for many Haitians.

Johane Filemon, MS, RDN, CLT, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, highlights the abundance of superfoods in Haitian cuisine. "As Haitians, we have so many superfoods! From the ingredients in our Epis, which contain prebiotics, to our pikliz which is a probiotic when it is allowed to ferment. Our cuisine can be very rich in gut-healthy properties."

Food is more than just sustenance; it’s a way to connect with one’s roots. For many, traditional Haitian dishes evoke memories of family gatherings, celebrations, and cultural identity. By embracing these meals, individuals can foster a sense of belonging and community. So if you are trying to tailor your diet to your lifestyle, start here:

  1. Find Familiar Flavors: Incorporate traditional spices and ingredients into your meals to ease the transition.

  2. Experiment with Traditional Recipes: Try cooking classic Haitian dishes at home. You might just discover a new favorite!

  3. Share the Love: Gather friends and family for a Haitian feast. Sharing food is a beautiful way to celebrate culture and community.

What Haitian Nutritionists say about reclaiming health when you are changing your eating habits

Your cultural cuisine is part of your identity! Don't let anyone make you give it up. -Johane Filemon, MS, RDN, CLT

Haitian nutritionists are not just advocating for cultural pride; they’re also promoting a healthier lifestyle. By focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods and moving away from processed options, they aim to combat the rising rates of diet-related diseases in Haiti and among the diaspora.

Patricia Pauyo emphasizes, "I firmly believe that our cultural foods are inherently healthy and should be celebrated, not stigmatized. I work to help clients appreciate the nutritional value and cultural significance of their traditional foods, while also guiding how to incorporate them into a balanced diet."

Johane Filemon adds, "Your cultural cuisine is part of your identity! Don't let anyone make you give it up. Research and find someone who understands it. When recommendations are made to stop consuming your cultural foods altogether, that is often a red flag."

In a world where diet culture often leads to confusion and frustration, these Haitian nutritionists are paving the way for a more inclusive and joyful approach to eating. So, let’s break free from the shackles of diet culture and embrace the rich, flavorful world of Haitian cuisine!


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